Navigationsdrehscheibe ND12/20AE
Welcome to our guide for the ND12. To make the best of the product, we need to think 3D now. In both versions of the product (72/48), everything is contained twice, at least as far as the surface textures are concerned. To make the details pop, you just lay down the general print and put the redundant elements on top. Thats makes your base very 3D. Please consider to use pigments or fine sand for the recessed areas. Also, consider involving some grass on the edges of the swing ramp. All right, lets do this!
Materials we need beside of what has been delivered.
- MDF board* (4-5mm) for the entire display 400 x 285mm
- MDF board* (2-3mm) for the boom (just like 30 x 30mm in total)
- MDF board* for this and that so we buy a bit more, just to be safe
- Wire of about 1mm
- Some thicker paper (300g) or thin cardboard.
- Please check the comments in regards to the rear side of the boom. There is a bit of improvisation required. We need some scratch stuff here.
* Balsa wood or wood works very nice as well
1, 2, 3, 4.) The boom is contained twice in your product so you dont need any extra prints, but the picture is telling us that we can use the prints for transfering the dimensions of the item onto our sturdy material
5, 6, 7, 8.) Once we have the sides sorted, its time to connect these. Please make sure the entire thing fits into the pit. Also please follow this guide to the very end and check all images closely. General dimensions are given, but the 3D design gives us some different widths. So, relax and keep reading, we will gitcha there, buddy.
9.) As said, your boom will look painted already because you have the boom prints
10, 11.) This is interesting because its the rear side of the boom. Feel free to improvise a lil bit since we only found a few bad shots of this area. Indicating something where a gearwheel can link in is cool. Think like an engineer. ;-)
12.) Dry fit. Please do this to make sure you´re ok.
13.) While assembling, you can now start to cover up edges and so on with paint.
14, 15, 16.) These are elements we need to cut from MDF. Lets have a look on the following image to see what belongs where.
So, this what we are after. 14 are the two bars between which the tailwheel will rest at the end. 16 is on the sides of these and 15 is the boom with its 3D detail. Please note that hatch there. Again, you have two prints of the boom, so why not cutting it from one print and put it there. Its a nice detail.
That´s the lower 3D element of the boom, cut out and ready to placed where it belongs to
Everything in place. Note some elements were highlighted with Silver paint.
19.) These lil rings (or half rings) were positioned inside of the holes of part 14.
20.) Shows what belongs where
22.) Again a dry fit. Looking cool already. Again, yours will look even cooler because you make your dry fits on the prints.
24.) Again we isolate 3D elements. This time for the platform. In case you want these details to be more prominent, it should be glued to some 100g paper and brought into the scene after.
25.) Lets isolate all these lil bits and put them on the print. The print tells you what belongs to where.
29.) is voluntary, and I will tell you why on the end of this guide. Looks good but if you dont want, you dont need. Reason: Thats for manual operation only. ND12 has been powered electrically as well.
All right, after putting our print on the MDF for some tests, we can cut the pit in it. Please note that we need space for the pit, so we have something like a cellar beneath. Please keep that in mind while planning your base. At image 32.) you can see some detail trimming.
34, 35.) Again, its voluntarily.
36, 37.) Shows the pit from below.
All right. Thats it. You made it!