WGSF-48B has been designed following the input of the modelers community. The plywood sheets used in the aircraft industry were selected under the criteria of maximum stability. Therefore sheets without knotholes have been prefered. WGSF-48 "Knotless" redisplays this feature in order to recreate plywood as accurate as possible.
In the following you find pictures of the manual. For download in pdf format please visit the Download section here.

Colors recommended for basecoats
Recommended colours: Gunze Radome+white, Gunze/Tamiya flesh+white
Gunze´s "sail color" or Tamiya´s "deck tan" are suitable basecoat tones as well.
-Pre shading effects...
...will "telegraph" through the decal as can be seen on the picture below
Post shading effects
... can be achieved using the so-called clear acrylics, such as Gunze´s and Tamiya´s smoke, yellow and orange. Use smoke for general light adjustments and yellow/orange for "tinting" of the panel concerned.
Please make yourself familiar with the effects by trying before in a testbed.
Oil colours...
are not mandatory as on the WGC/WGF series but still are an option. If you wish to darken your wood a little bit, you may apply a glaze of burnt sienna. If you go that way, Uschi recommends toapply these colors on a rather semi flat surface.
This is to be recommended in order to allow a good spread and texture. After the glaze we seal everything again by using gloss clear acrylic.
More and detailed information very soon! :-)