It´s on, guys. Holy moly that was a bit of work. Not goinna lie. SEAMLESS PLANKING DECALS tailored to DAS WERK Cid-27 DONNERBÜCHSE. THIS way please.

This way, ladies and gentlemen. This way please....

MASSIVE diorama multimedia kit. Check out the details!
DIRECTLY to point of sales.

TRINITY 2 is out now! Check it out!

check it out HERE

Check it out HERE

LARGER! STRONGER! The New Burnishing Formula

Thats not a re-release, thats a better performing product in a larger packaging. Read something about the history right here.
DAS WERK Luftwaffe Jacks Available Now!

Pretty much 7 month it took to build this up from scratch. Check out the brand new Luftwaffe Jack Stands in the 48th scale!
When a guy who inspired you for years, comes up with using something that you have created.
And thats just what happened. Chris Wauchop used Uschi´s "Ronny Bar" woodgrain decals for building his "Rheintochter" in the 35th scale. I followed Chris for a very long time and always loved his way to paint scale models. I still can remember his comments while being interviewed by Brett Green, talking about transparent layers and stuff like that. His work always has been a real source of inspiration and now, all of the sudden, you see him working with one of your own creations. Priceless.
Some swag
Is it a bird? Is it paint? No! Its a sticker-stencil! :D More here.

New kids on the block: Special Edition 1/32 Ho-229
Optional: Including bling in form of a brasse name plate for your Ho-229.
Also available as a Bsmart: Decals plus brass plate.
Killer, innit? :-)
Check ´em out here.

Product release Q4/2014, 2 out of 10 during the 2014 IPMS Nats in Hampton, VA.

Choooo, chooooo!!!! ;-) Lets make sure we dont miss at the 2014 IPMS USA Nats. We are with David Youngquist of Last Cavalry and share some tables. Come over and lets have a chat. I do look forward to meet old friens and make new ones. Lets kick it! :D
Despite of the high order volumes hitting our facility these days, we have managed to have Two of the upcoming Ten new products ready for the IPMS US Nats in Hampton, VA. Namely we have our brand new Marble Decals as well as the long awaited BLITZ DRY drying medium for oil paints ready to go for the show. The drying medium reduces the curing time of oil paint from 5 days down to 1 hour (!!!) while the marble decals turn everything in...well...marble. :D We will have something like a product-release-get-together-party. You better check the gossip and the rumour because thats where we anounce when and where. Most likely it gonna be Friday August 8th. CU there!
Available now: Wheels and Hatches Stencils

Fed up from payin´ a fortune for wheel masks? Ouh yes I was. I never bought them. They are just for that one vehicle or for that one aircraft. At least as long as they come as a Vinyl or Kabuki (yellow tape) mask. I only need them once, so why paying like €3.00-4.00 (Thats $6.20USD !!!!!!) I mean really? Are you serious? Check out how to get rid of issues and saving money at the same time by visiting the detailed explanation.
Available now: THREE GREEN Flexible Nose Weight

For more detailed information, please check here.
Magic Moments: Diego Quijano´s MiG-21 parked on Uschi´s Tarmac
Diego Quijano has presented his most recent model on Uschi´s Russian Hex Tarmac. This is just jaw dropping....

New kids on the block: Polishing powders and CVN-65

Hard working during the Christmas season. Orders comin in, production runs red-hot but still kinda ok in time. It was way more than expected. When the work for the day is done, I burn some midnight-oil and care for the News. Actually I intended to integrate Kosutte Ginsan in my portfolio as a buy-and-sell product but somehow I havent got any feedback at all from Japan, despite several attempts using my network and also on direct approach. So what to do? Exactly. Runnin research, checking the market, making connections and signing agreements. So, here it is: Metal Polishing Powders, Kosutte Ginsan style, made in Germany. We gonna have three different powders, Chrome, Steel and Iron.
One can apply them with a cotton cloth or cotton bud, but one can also dissolve it in thinner and shoot them through the airbrush. I will deliver the step-by-step pictures and all the other details sone here. That gonna be fun. :-) Stay tuned.

Our one and only Slava Trudu was also busy as hell and did his very best to extend the Uschi Scenic Display range. In excellent quality of course, as usual. We got USS Enterprise (CVN-65) in 72nd and 48th, circular and square. The implementation in the shop is just a few hours away, so stay tuned. :-)

James Hatch strikes again:
Lookie, lookie, lookie...! :-) Isnt it wonderful? Sir James Hatch of Large Scale Modeler "nailed it" again. This time he nailed plywood panels on MENG´s Me-163 in super-pro style and I am amazed as **** each time I look at it. Its just phantastic. We will have the pleasure to have a detailed encounter with this bird again in 2014 when it lands right in the middle of the Tamiya Magazine. Cant wait! Btw, Jim used a Bsmart Rucksack Bundle offer. You can find all the stuff it takes, the kit and the decal as an attractive bundle offer in the SHOP smart section here on Uschi´s. Check it out! There is plenty to discover!
Masters at work using Uschi´s stuff
Harris Ali has published a 48th scale Salamander in bare wood style in the Nov2013 Issue of "How to build...Tamiya Aircraft Models" of ADH publishing. What a piece of work...good God....
New kid on the block: Aircraft Interiour Woodgrain Decals. David Parker of AIR Modeler magazine allowed us to use some pictures of his 32nd scale HKM B-17 for the cover art. Its still a work in progress so I recommend to catch up with him and the mag via facebook! :-) Thanks David!
Who say´s Uschi´s rigging is for aircraft guys only?

I have managed to run a test on a abandoned 350th scale ship model. I used the superfine rigging for the job. The lines which appear to be a bit more strong are the "Standard Type" rigging. I was happy to see that I was able to deal with one of my Nemesis, the tie down rope. Check out for more here.
New Diorama Displays released
I´m really happy to be able to announce four great new products. They have just arrived from the printer and they look phantastic! We gotta new Flagship product called "REIHMAG". REIMAHG is a shortcut for "Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring" and it describes one part of the "Gustloff plants" which was a network of production plants in late war Germany.
The REIMAHG plant "Lachs" (Salmon) was a underground production line, built within a mountain called "Walpersberg"which is located near the town of Kahla in Thuringia, South East Germany. It has been built as part of the "U-Verlagerung" operations, with was an attempt to dispose industrial assets from the allied air forces.
On top of Walpersberg Mountain was a 900m take off runway, connected with the plant by a lift. The Me-262s ready for comissioning were equipped with booster rockets and took off. Some 20 Me- 262s were built.

The Belarus graphic artist Aliaksandr Niazourau, aka Slava Trudu, has designed the REIMAHG assembly line which makes a perfect display for German late
war aircraft designs in the 72nd scale. Alex has alo built this phantastic diorama which was featured in the German diorama guide, named "Kit Modellbauschule", Issue 4.
On the cover you see another Diorama built by Aliaksandr, which also is available as an Uschi-product: The German Workshop. More to this item, including a step by step sequence
can be found Here.
A detailed description of REIMAHG will be added to the website soon. Watch this space! :-)
We also are about to release not less than three wonderful displays for modern subjects. Excellent stuff that makes a perfect lil scene for your most recent scale model. Again designed by Slava Trudu. I love this stuff. Here it comes:

I also will write a more detailed description of these products quite soon. You will find it in the Products-Section soon. Thanks for tuning in! :-)
The real deal. Celebrating the re-introduction of UvdR-4 elastic rigging thread

RIGGING THREAD EARLY BIRD SPECIAL! Its back! Finally! Uschi´s UvdR-3 "Rigging with ease" high elastic rigging thread. It took me ages to find a reliable source for this product. Lots of samples have arrived, lots of them weren´t really good, lots of them were "nexted." But finally, I´ve found what I was looking for and I would like to celebrate that together with you guys.Here is how:
The next 30 orders of woodgrain decals that are placed on Uschivdr.com will be "rigged" with a FREE sample spool of 100 Feet (!!!) of Uschi´s finest rigging thread. And there is more! We now have 3 different sizes to choose from: Standard, Fine and Superfine. (S, F, SF).
- ->S is your trusty friend on your 32nd and 48th scale rigging.
- ->F is considerably thinner and the stuff that fits when it comes to control cables for instance.
- ->SF is pretty much spider web and will look supercool on your 72nd scale project.Its like on the real thing, actually you wont notice a rigging before you are pretty close to the aircraft.
This campaign is valid until the 30 orders are received and processed. So...how about checking your stash and see how you could benefit here. Cool or what? Yours sincerely, Alex and Uschi.:-)

The WGSF-series woodgrain decals are now available including a new option: Nail Decals. While shopping you may choose between a "nailed" and "not nailed" version. The nails are printed separately on the super thin carrier film in not less than 17 lines with various distances and diameters. The nail decal may be applied directly on the bascecoat, prior to application of the woodgrain decal and be sealed with clear. After this coat of clear, the outlines of the nail decal are only veeeery barely visible and will disappear completely once the wood grain decal has been applied. So, you have the choice. I gonna showcase this new property very shortly and let you know.
Six days on the road and you gonna make it home tonight!....
....with the new WGP-2 Birdseye Veneer Decals "Trucker´s delight"!
Check out here for more.

New stuff right out of the lab. Tool time!
Sweet, aye? ;-) Check out for more here: THE CA-NDLE GLUE APPLICATOR
June 2013 releases
Uschi has a few weeks of hard work and research behind her. I´ll keep the anouncement short today, since there is much more work to be done.
The June 2013 releases will include the following new items:
WGSF48C "Fine Veneer Plywood Decals" RELEASED
CDB1 "Old Concrete" Scenic Display" RELEASED
WGP1 "Bright Planking" Decals RELEASED
WGP2 "Dark planking" Decals RELEASED
CDB2 "Halberstadt Airfield Blast Pen"
CDB3 "Dessau Luftwaffe Hardstand" RELEASED
IED-Series Boot Print Decals

Copy cats gonna go mad about this: Boot Print Decals. Deeply researched and finely designed by our partners from Greece, Uschi again is about to release things that have not been available before. We all know the little resin- stamps for making a boot print on a vehicle. The problem with these is, that they are not very detailed. Perfect job for a motif on a transparent decal carrier film. If you cut away the carrier film along the edges of the motif, one can barely tell that a decal has been used. A sealing mist by airbrush with some clear will further hide the super thin carrier film. A mist of flat clear will integrate the motif entirely into the surface. Watch this space to learn more soon. You´ll dig it.
The first of the new IED-Series Boot Print Decals are available in:
- American Jack-boot,
- M39 German Jack-boot,
- Africa corps low,
- Africa corps high.
All of it in "positive" and "negative" print, all of it in "mud" and "dust". Watch this space to learn more very soon.
This product is a Greece / German co-op with my dear mate Vassilis Dimitropoulos. Without his research skills and excellence in painting and design, I would not have been able to do it. Also a big "Thanks mate!" to Dimitris Palassis who introduced us to each other. Awesome! Thats international understanding! I love this!
It also has been in the news already....
Scroll down a little bit and check the CNN-TV screenshot. :-)
Just released: ´46 Paper Tank Masks
Seeing the large variety of kits available, we came to the decision that it would be nice to have some useful masks with motifs that are hard to cut by hand. Here we have the split-ring-design which was considered for introduction to the troops at the dusk of WWII. The well known "octopus scheme", found on a TigerII near Kassel in may 1945, is one of the first indications in this direction. So, when you´re going to build your "Löwe" or TigerIII or what ever kinda VK- or E-series "paper tank", please remember this product and consider to give it a shot. The masks are re-usable so long term fun is guaranteed. :-)
Thanks for your attention. Cheers guys!
Availabe now in 1/48th and 1/32th:

New Item. More here.
November 17th 2012 Diorama Scenic kits

Smokin´ hot new stuff. Just as a backdrop or up to a full grown diorama. Again Uschi tried the best to make things fast and easy and as perfect as possible. Check out the detailed intel here.
September 26th: Gold at EURO MILITAIRE 2012
Gold at Euro. John Schley won Gold and a Gold Award by the Antwerp Model Soldier Society, AMSS. John used Uschi´s woodgrain decals for the furniture. Thats not the reason why he won the awards but I´m very happy that Uschi had the chance to be a little bit of help. Congratulations, John! Very well done! Thank you!
Check out his website: Grailmodels
June 04.2012 Instant weathering decals
I think I aint go too far by saying that this is a world novelty. At least I have never seen or heard about it. The idea came from working with wood grain decals. If the difficult thing on painting wood is the texture, so it is the same on metal and rust. That´s the idea behind it.
After endless tests and tweaking I just have to do the manual done and we´re good to go. We have four new products (for first) in line and we will come up now pretty fast with several variations.
Here is a preview of what can be done with the product:
The only weathering used on these two pictures are a few drops of pin wash on the rivets and on some other details. All the re(u)st and streaking you see is done with this new set.
I guess we are on something really cool here.....:-))))
February 13.2012
Erik Roberson has made a awesome review on DPC 35 and ED 35, the masking stencil plus the extra dots.
What I really dig on that video is what he did with ED-35, the extra discs, on from 08:30: He use it towards an Hetzer. Thats genius!
Angus Creighton has published an excellent article on how to use DPC-35 on a Jagdpanzer IV! THATS the way it should be used! Congratulations and a big THANK YOU! :-) Check out the latest MIM AFV issue HERE